Before you submit an application to the Foundation, please review our eligibility requirements and ensure that your request falls within our geographic focus on the Geelong region of Victoria and at least one of our Grant Focus Areas.
Once you have reviewed this information, you must contact us to discuss your potential application. You can send an email to set up a time. As part of this discussion we will help you assess how well aligned your potential application is with our interests. We can also provide tips and hints about submitting a successful application.
If we believe an application is appropriate you will be provided with a link to register for our Funding Portal. From the Portal you will be able to access the open Grant Round and to submit your application and manage any communication related to your application (including notifications and reporting if successful).
While you must submit your application through our Funding Portal you can preview the application questions for our Small Grants Round in this word document and our Community Grant Round in this word document.
While you can easily save your application as you go in the Funding Portal, we do encourage you to prepare your application using the word document form.
We look forward to learning about your request and what you are doing to make a positive impact in the places were our families lives and works.
If you have any questions about eligibility, suitable grant requests, the Funding Portal, or the application questions or process please contact Cynthia Scherer, General Manager at the Foundation via email.